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Biobegeistert project at the Comenius elementary school in Töging

A special breakfast: Visit from the future first graders at Comenius Primary School

Thanks to its Biobegeistert sponsorship, Byodo was once again able to support a small organic project and provided an organic breakfast buffet at the Comenius elementary school in Töging am Inn for future first-graders.
Normally, the 8 primary school classes at Comenius School are supplied via the Bavarian school fruit and school milk program.
The breakfast day takes place every Wednesday, with a team of hard-working helpers regularly cutting and preparing fruit and vegetables for the children.
However, a special breakfast took place at the beginning of July.
The reason for this was a visit from the future first-graders, who are currently still attending kindergarten and were curious to find out what school feels like.
That’s why they were first allowed to experience a lesson and then enjoy a rich breakfast buffet prepared by the pupils of the two fourth classes during the break.  

Biobegeistert Comenius Grundschule Töging
Preparing fruit salad, baking pancakes and filling them with ricotta and apricot, scrambling eggs in a pan, topping mixed wraps and mixing banana milk.
All these tasks were mastered with flying colors by the pupils of classes 4a and 4b.
After some instruction, the preparation of the dishes worked really well so that they could be made very independently.
A lot of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as other organic foods were used.
Later, the cooks were delighted that their prepared breakfast buffet was not only well received, but that almost everything was eaten.

Your organic project – sponsored by Byodo!

With our BIObegeistert sponsorship, we support nurseries, schools, universities and associations in realizing projects relating to organic nutrition and organically produced food – with a total value of 10,000 euros in the future. The best organic project submitted can look forward to 5,000 euros, while the second and third-placed projects will receive 3,000 and 2,000 euros respectively. Would you also like to apply with an organic project? Applications can be submitted via byodo.de/biobegeistert possible. Byodo is not alone in deciding which project wins up to €5,000 – after the end of the application phase, everyone can vote!

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Social commitment
We think beyond ecological boundaries and want to promote healthy eating for children in particular, but also support them with questions about "What do I eat?".
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Bio-Auszeichnung in Gold für Feinsinn Genussküche
Gold organic award for Feinsinn Genussküche
We are pioneers! Our Feinsinn Genussküche was one of the first catering establishments in the region to be awarded the new state organic certificate for out-of-home catering in gold.
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Our path to greater sustainability

CO2 balance reduced by 25% in 2023!

We attach great importance to the fact that sustainability is not just a buzzword, but is deeply rooted in our corporate philosophy and we live it every day. That is why we continuously strive to improve our carbon footprint, make it measurable and operate responsibly.

By switching to e-mobility, increasing home office options for employees and reducing business travel, among other things, we were able to significantly reduce our carbon footprint in 2023 compared to 2019. Our company building, in which we completely dispense with fossil fuels, also plays a large part in this. Find out more about our sustainability measures and our joint path to greater sustainability.

Living sustainability: Our approach

Our focus is on enjoyment through 100% organic quality. We have been developing delicious, organically produced products for years, which we market in close cooperation with partners in the organic food trade. Our Byodo CateringLine brand offers an exquisite selection of products for restaurants and bulk consumers. Our aim is to continue to spoil you with premium products of the best quality and at the same time protect our environment. Since our company was founded, we have been committed to preserving nature through sustainable management.

Our sustainability measures at a glance

Our commitment to the climate: the CO2 footprint

Why is Byodo involved?


Sustainable company building made from regional materials

Our new company building focuses on regional sustainability: it was built with regional precast concrete elements and natural wood trusses, which have short transportation routes and a high recycling rate. Concrete is a sustainable building product that is produced in the region and impresses with its long service life and high thermal storage capacity. The use of high-quality triple-pane thermal insulation glass guarantees optimum thermal insulation and energy efficiency. Would you like to find out more about our sustainable location?

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Hybrid vehicle fleet to reduce CO2 emissions

To reduce our CO2 emissions, we rely on a hybrid vehicle fleet. These vehicles consume less fuel and emit fewer pollutants, especially in cities and mountainous regions. In the meantime, 12 company vehicles have already been converted to e-mobility.

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Photovoltaic system & e-charging station

Our photovoltaic systems (263 kWp) with their own power supply and an in-house connected e-charging station for our customers provide sustainable energy directly from the roof. In 2023, 269,672 kWh of green electricity was already generated by the two photovoltaic systems.

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Green roof & company pond to improve the microclimate

Our green office roof not only ensures pleasantly cool offices in summer, but also contributes to improving the local microclimate together with our company pond, which is sustainably supplied by a rainwater storage tank.

Schaffung von Lebensräumen für Insekten und Tiere

Creating habitats for insects and animals

This pond provides a diverse habitat for insects, amphibians, lizards and birds. With a wild meadow and various trees and shrubs, we create a habitat for native insects. Hedgehogs also find a winter home with us. The Blühpakt Bayern has honored our company for the second time for its outstanding commitment to species and insect protection. This initiative is actively committed to counteracting the extinction of species, especially insects. Companies that design their outdoor facilities to be close to nature and thus create valuable habitats for insects receive the “Blooming Companies” award. Our company premises are a prime example of this approach.

Steigerung der Homeoffice-Möglichkeiten bei Byodo Naturkost

Increase in home office opportunities for employees

As a modern and employee-oriented company, we offer our employees flexible options for working from home. We understand that every employee has individual needs and circumstances. We use state-of-the-art technology and digital collaboration tools to ensure that our teams can work together effectively, even remotely. In this way, we not only promote the work-life balance of our employees, but also increase their productivity and satisfaction. Our aim is to create a working environment that focuses on flexibility, trust and personal responsibility.

Reduzierung der Geschäftsreisen

Reduction of business trips

As a forward-looking company, we are actively committed to reducing the number of business trips and at the same time increasing the efficiency of our work. We offer our employees a variety of innovative alternatives to traditional business trips. By using state-of-the-art video conferencing systems and virtual collaboration platforms, we enable high-quality, interactive meetings and project work over long distances.

Sustainable packaging for our products

The packaging of our organic products is crucial to ensure their high quality in the long term and to protect them from external influences. We attach great importance to functionality, attractive design and practical handling. However, the ecological aspect is particularly important to us, which is why we are constantly working on developing environmentally friendly packaging solutions. Find out more about our sustainable packaging.

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Nachhaltige Verpackungslösung Byodo Naturkost

Environmentally friendly shipping of our parcels

We also rely on sustainable shipping through DHL GoGreen, at no extra cost to the customer. We also only use environmentally friendly, 100% recyclable packaging material made from renewable raw materials and do not use any plastic at all. Each order is carefully packed by hand in an environmentally friendly way.

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Why is Byodo involved?

At Byodo, we are actively committed to climate protection. Reducing our CO2 footprint is a central component of our commitment. We firmly believe that sustainable action is not only a responsibility towards the environment, but also an opportunity for a better future. As a manufacturer of goods, we are directly and indirectly responsible for greenhouse gas emissions. We therefore see it as our duty to act responsibly and sustainably. The most effective way to protect the climate is to avoid emissions at source, for example by taking measures to increase energy efficiency. We offset unavoidable emissions through certified climate protection projects.  

Our commitment to the climate: the CO2 footprint

A company’s corporate carbon footprint (CCF) is the total of all greenhouse gas emissions generated directly or indirectly by the company’s activities. These emissions are converted into CO2 equivalents in order to make the different greenhouse gases comparable. The results are presented transparently in the form of a report in order to identify key climate protection measures and derive climate protection targets. At Byodo, we take a holistic approach to minimizing our carbon footprint. In cooperation with our partner Klimaktiv we calculate our corporate carbon footprint according to the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol – an internationally recognized guideline for the preparation of carbon footprints at site level. This detailed carbon footprint helps us to identify the main sources of our emissions and take targeted measures. In addition to avoidance and reduction as well as a sustainable supply chain, we also invest in certified climate protection projects for unavoidable emissions. Through targeted measures and a strong commitment, we were already able to reduce our carbon footprint by 25% in 2023 (compared to 2019)! Our goal is to continue to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities even further and thus show that enjoyment and environmental awareness can go hand in hand.

Byodo's contribution: CO2 compensation through offsetting

At Byodo, we go one step further when it comes to climate protection. Based on our detailed carbon footprint, we have decided to make our site climate-neutral. To achieve this, we rely on offsetting through a certified Plan Vivo project. We have chosen the "Trees for Global Benefits" project in Uganda. This long-standing, cooperative carbon offset program combines community-led carbon sequestration activities, promotion of sustainable land use practices and performance-based payments to farmers. The project is already supporting 6,996 smallholder families and has issued 1,327,886 Plan Vivo Certificates (PVCs) to date. In line with our carbon footprint, we have financed the planting of 445 trees to offset the 306.95 tons of CO2 at our site in Mühldorf.

This is how sustainable company buildings work!

  Our sustainability manager Susanne will guide you through the Byodo company building and show you how sustainable working in our building works. Take a look behind the scenes!

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Social commitment
We think beyond ecological boundaries and want to promote healthy eating for children in particular, but also support them with questions about "What do I eat?".
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Sustainable working
In our vision to inspire sustainable living through conscious enjoyment, we focus on sustainable work. Find out here what our organic hearts beat for.
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Excellent organic quality in our gourmet kitchen

Gold award for our Feinsinn gourmet cuisine

  We have great news to announce! Our Feinsinn Genussküche was one of the first catering establishments in the region to be awarded the new state organic certificate for out-of-home catering in gold. Since it opened in 2016, employees and guests have been able to enjoy breakfast, lunch dishes, coffee and cake in 100% organic quality.

Marcus Hofer und Sabine Kriegl-Schreiner mit dem neuen Bio-Zertifikat in Gold für die Feinsinn Genussküche_Byodo Naturkost

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture adopted the new Organic Out-of-Home Catering Ordinance (Bio-AHVV) at the end of 2023. This is accompanied by three new organic seals in gold, silver and bronze, which show guests at a glance how high the organic content of the restaurant is. This makes it easier for consumers to choose organically produced food and dishes when eating in the canteen, in restaurants or on the go. We are delighted that our Feinsinn was one of the first regional restaurants to be awarded the golden seal for a 90-100% organic content. The kitchen team at Feinsinn has been cooking fresh and 100% organic products every day since the very beginning. For eight years now, we have been contributing to the national Organic Strategy 2030, which includes the expansion of organic out-of-home catering as a key measure.  

“Top quality, maximum enjoyment and 100% organic – we place the same demands on the dishes in our gourmet kitchen as we do on our Byodo products. Both our employees and numerous external guests appreciate this outstanding culinary offering every day,” says Byodo Managing Director Stephanie Moßbacher. Feinsinn Operations Manager Marcus Hofer adds: “Our guests have always been able to rely on the organic quality of our dishes, we only work with organically produced ingredients out of conviction and are also regularly inspected by the organic inspection body. The new organic label now communicates this even more simply and clearly.” We are incredibly proud of Feinsinn Genussküche and are delighted to be able to share this important milestone in our company history with you! Find out here more about our organic store and our in-house gourmet cuisine.  

Source(s): https://www.bmel.de/DE/themen/landwirtschaft/oekologischer-landbau/bio-strategie-2030.html

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100% organic quality
Our premium standards do not end with our delicious products. Through numerous voluntary commitments and double quality assurance, we guarantee the finest organic produce.
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Our product variety
Discover over 150 products in the best 100% organic quality. Our double quality assurance ensures maximum product safety. Here you will find more than just products - enjoy the taste of quality, pleasure and sustainability.
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Our contribution to more biodiversity

Our contribution to more biodiversity


With our near-natural company premises, we make an important contribution to preserving insect diversity and have once again been awarded the title of “Blooming Company” by Blühpakt Bayern.

The Blühpakt Bayern has set itself the task of stopping species extinction, especially among insects. Companies that design their open spaces to be close to nature and thus create a habitat for insects are therefore awarded the title of “Blooming Companies”. This is the second time we have received the award.


The open areas of our company premises in Mühldorf am Inn are laid out as extensively maintained rough pasture, i.e. they are rarely mowed. The particularly lime-rich and nutrient-poor soil ensures a year-round flower population that provides shelter and food for insects. The roofs of the office building and the associated Feinsinn organic food store are also covered in greenery.

But we are also committed to greater insect protection and biodiversity outside our own premises. Since 2020, we have also been the sponsor of a 500 m² flowering area between Mühldorf and Weiding. The former field was transformed into a habitat for a variety of insects and other animals using native seeds. The flowering area is maintained by Maschinenring Altötting-Mühldorf.


Would you also like to contribute to the protection of insects? At


there are numerous tips for “Blooming Gardens”.

For a darker night

We switch off the advertising lighting from 9 pm


We have adjusted the burning time of our advertising lighting and support the “Paten der Nacht”, a Germany-wide organization against light pollution. This is because a night illuminated by artificial light disturbs the biorhythm of humans, animals and plants.

“What microplastics are in our oceans, lakes and soil, artificial light is in our atmosphere,” says the organization “Godfathers of the Night”, explaining the problem of light pollution. That is why they are actively campaigning for a reduction in artificial lighting in both the commercial and private sectors. The associated project “10 p.m. – lights out” is specifically about advertising lighting. The organization is trying to persuade companies to switch off outdoor advertising lighting by 10 p.m. at the latest.

Because a responsible approach to the environment is a core corporate value for us, we are participating in this project and adjusted the lighting times at the end of February. We even go one step further by giving the night an extra hour of darkness. In future, the motto at Byodo and in our organic store Feinsinn will be “9 pm – lights out”!

By participating in this project, we also want to encourage other companies to rethink their approach. Because the more companies and private individuals take part, the darker the night becomes and the more the environment benefits.


You can find helpful tips on reducing light pollution at



Company cars fill up with solar power from their own roof

Byodo builds new e-charging stations for company cars

At our company headquarters in Mühldorf, we are taking another step towards greater sustainability in order to further reduce our CO2 footprint. The entire company building is already climate-neutral. Until now, however, a major CO2 factor has been employees’ journeys in company cars. We have therefore decided to further expand Byodo’s e-charging infrastructure. In future, 16 new charging points will be available for the company cars.

Groundbreaking ceremony

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new e-charging stations was held on July 6, 2022. All the work should be completed by the fall and the stations will go into operation. 22 KW will be available at all wallboxes to charge fully electric vehicles from 0 to 100% in around 4 hours. At Byodo, we have also converted 80% of our company fleet from hybrid to electric cars. Only four hybrid vehicles will remain.

Photovoltaic systems on the company building

The electricity for the charging stations is generated directly on the company’s own roof. The photovoltaic systems on the office building and warehouse generate up to 500 kWp at peak times – this corresponds to an annual CO2 saving of around 300,000 kg. Byodo uses most of this electricity itself. For energy requirements above and beyond this, only green electricity is purchased. This means that we completely dispense with fossil fuels at the site.

The new wallboxes at the charging stations are also climate-neutral and produced in Austria. With the gardening and landscaping company Bitzer & Bernhard from Mettenheim and the master electricians Schindler & Denk from Ampfing, only companies from the immediate vicinity are involved in the construction project.

While the newly built e-charging stations will be available exclusively for Byodo company cars, we also offer public charging stations in the parking lot of our Feinsinn organic store. Charging is also completely free for customers of the organic store – you can activate this function at the charging station with your Feinsinn customer card.

Organic pasta now in paper packaging

100% enjoyment in 100% recyclable packaging


Not only perfect enjoyment and the best organic quality, but also sustainable packaging play a central role in our organic products. That is why we are switching the packaging of Italian Byodo pasta to paper.


lasagne sheets in light-colored




gluten-free version

and the
were available in cardboard packaging from the outset. The previous plastic-reduced composite packaging for our other pasta varieties is now also being completely replaced by 100% recyclable paper packaging, which can and should be disposed of in the blue garbage can for waste paper.

The new packaging is made of paper with the “FSC Mix” certification. It therefore contains materials from FSC-certified forests, recycled material and material from controlled sources (Controlled Wood). This mix of materials promotes responsible forest management by enabling the parallel processing of both certified and non-certified wood*.

Our love of pasta is particularly evident in the selection of the best raw materials and the Byodo promise of enjoyment. Only sun-ripened, Italian grain in 100% organic quality is used for the 19 durum wheat and 4 emmer semolina varieties. It is always freshly ground and processed into pasta in Italy. Traditional bronze dies slightly roughen the surface of the noodles when pressed so that they later combine perfectly with the sauce.


Byodo and its pasta – a German-Italian love story since 1992.

30 years ago, Byodo founder Michael Moßbacher was one of the first manufacturers to launch light-colored organic pasta on the market. At the time, it was absolutely innovative and required a lot of explanation, because until then only the wholemeal version had been known as organic pasta. Since then, we have maintained a good partnership with our Italian pasta partners and have acquired a wide range of pasta expertise over the past three decades.


*FSC Germany,


Pasta-Rezepte Byodo Naturkost
