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Climate-friendly working

For Byodo founder Michael Moßbacher, his partner Andrea Sonnberger and daughter Stephanie Moßbacher, enjoyment and responsibility have always gone hand in hand. Together with the dedicated Byodo team, they want to make a contribution to preserving our nature and environment. The focus here is on our climate-neutral company building. We show you what our organic hearts beat for.

Climate-neutral working in the Byodo company building

In addition to a climate-neutral company building, we are implementing many other measures to reduce our CO2 footprint.

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Solar power for Byodo company cars

We converted 80% of our company fleet from hybrid to electric cars in 2022. At 16 charging stations, 22 KW are available to charge fully electric vehicles from 0 to 100% in around 4 hours. The electricity for the 16 charging stations is generated directly on our own roof.

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Thriving business

Our naturally designed company building has been recognized for the second time by Blühpakt Bayern for its special commitment to species and insect protection. The Blühpakt Bayern has set itself the task of stopping species extinction, especially among insects. Companies that design their open spaces to be close to nature and thus create a habitat for insects are therefore recognized as Blooming Companies.

With our commitment to more natural areas, we want to inspire people to make open spaces and gardens as insect-friendly as possible. Blühpakt Bayern provides numerous tips for “Blooming Gardens”.

Godparents of the night

We support the “10 p.m. – lights out” campaign run by “Paten der Nacht”, a Germany-wide organization against light pollution, and have adjusted the burning time of our advertising lighting. This is because a night illuminated by artificial light disturbs the biorhythm of humans, animals and plants.

Because a responsible approach to the environment is a core corporate value for us, we are participating in this project. We even go one step further by giving the night an extra hour of darkness. So at Byodo and in our organic store Feinsinn it’s “9 pm – lights out”!

Sustainable packaging
In addition to ecologically sustainable solutions, the packaging of our organic products offers optimum protection and is as easy to handle as possible. Discover our sustainable packaging solutions!
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Helping to shape Byodo
Good cooperation and mutual appreciation enable value-oriented, collaborative work to take place. This approach characterizes us at Byodo every day.
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