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Vegan mushroom goulash with potato dumplings

A pure mixture of mushrooms in a savory sauce! Our vegan mushroom goulash with mildly spicy potato dumplings impresses with its diverse aromas and special taste!


65 min.



10 g Porcini mushrooms, dried
2 Onions
1 Garlic clove
300 g Mushrooms
150 g Oyster mushrooms
150 g King oyster mushrooms
2 Carrots
150 ml Red wine
350 ml Vegetable broth
2 EL Byodo tomato paste double fruit
1 EL Soy sauce
½ EL Baking cocoa
½ TL Thyme, dried
1 TL Paprika powder, smoked
2 Bay leaves
1 EL Cornstarch
Potato dumplings
600 g Potatoes, floury
50 ml Plant drink (e.g. oats)
150 g Potato starch

Preparation of mushroom goulash

Place the dried porcini mushrooms in a small bowl and pour hot water over them, cook for 30 minutes. Leave to infuse, then drain. Finely dice the onions and garlic. Clean the mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and king oyster mushrooms and cut into bite-sized pieces. Peel and dice the carrot.

Heat the frying oil and fry the onions and garlic until translucent. Add all the mushrooms and carrots and fry until the mushrooms start to color. Then deglaze with red wine. Add the vegetable stock. Season with salt, pepper, mustard, tomato puree, soy sauce, cocoa, thyme, paprika powder and bay leaves. Simmer for 15 minutes with the lid on. Mix the starch with a little water and then stir into the goulash so that the sauce thickens a little and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Remove the bay leaves.

Preparation of potato dumplings

Wash the potatoes for the dumplings. Bring the salted water to the boil and cook the potatoes over a medium heat for 20 minutes until they are soft. Drain, peel and leave to evaporate a little.

Then mash twice with a potato or spaetzle ricer. Warm the oat milk to lukewarm. Knead the mashed potatoes with the oat milk, starch, salt and nutmeg and shape into 8 dumplings. Do not knead the dough too long and too vigorously, otherwise the potatoes will become sticky and tough.

Bring salted water to the boil in a large pan, then reduce the temperature until it is just simmering. Slide the dumplings into the water and leave to stand for about 20-25 minutes until they float to the surface. Lift out of the water with a slotted spoon.

Wash, dry and roughly chop the parsley. Season the goulash again, arrange on plates together with the dumplings and garnish with parsley.

Recipe properties mediumPan & oven dishesVeganvegan cookingWinter
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