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Welle Welle

Christmas gingerbread

The spicy-sweet gingerbread transforms the house into a fragrant Christmas bakery. Deliciously decorated with colored icing, they are a visual and taste highlight!


110 min.


Gingerbread dough
300 g Flour
100 g Almonds, ground
1 TL Cream of tartar baking powder
110 g Cane sugar
2 TL Gingerbread spice
200 g Sugar beet syrup
1 Egg
1 Protein
250 g Powdered sugar
2 EL Water
Christmas cookie cutters
Organic food coloring
Piping bag with thin nozzle or decorating stick

Mix together the sugar, baking oil, gingerbread spice and a pinch of salt. Add the egg and sugar beet syrup and whisk together. Then add the ground almonds, flour and baking powder. Work everything into a homogeneous dough, wrap in a beeswax cloth or cover and chill for at least 1 hour.

Roll out the chilled dough on a well-floured work surface to a thickness of approx. 2-3 mm and cut out the gingerbread little by little, place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 170 °C fan oven for approx. 8-9 minutes. Then leave to cool on a wire rack.

Beat the egg whites until stiff, stir in the powdered sugar until the mixture is smooth and firm. Divide the base mixture and color parts with food coloring, adding a little water if necessary. Pour the finished icing into a small piping bag with a fine nozzle or into a decorating stick and decorate the gingerbread with it.

Our tip: You need a firmer glaze consistency to spray on decorative lines, add a little more water for flat glazes.

Recipe properties Baking with oilChristmasCookiesLactose freemediumVegetarianWinter

Prepared with the following Byodo products

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