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Pink Tonic

Fruity pomegranate, sparkling tonic water and fine gin – the perfect combination for your next cocktail party!


3 min.



Pink Tonic
Ice cubes
4 cl Gin
8 cl Pomegranate juice
Tonic water
1 EL Pomegranate seeds
Virgin Pink Tonic
Ice cubes
12 cl Pomegranate juice
Tonic water
1 EL Pomegranate seeds

Preparation Pink Tonic

Fill a glass with ice cubes. Pour in the pomegranate balsam, gin and juice and stir. Top up with tonic water. Finally, add the pomegranate seeds to the glass & enjoy.

Preparation Virgin Pink Tonic

Fill a glass with ice cubes. Pour in the pomegranate balm and juice and stir. Top up with tonic water. Finally, add the pomegranate seeds to the glass & enjoy.

Recipe properties simpleSummerVeganVegetarianVinegar in a different way

Prepared with the following Byodo products

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