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Filled pancakes

Deliciously filled pancakes with a delicious combination of fresh strawberries, rhubarb, salted caramel and fluffy chocolate mousse.


50 min.


Pancake ingredients
150 g Flour
25 ml Cream
200 ml Milk
40 ml Amaretto
3 Eggs
Salted caramel ingredients
200 g Sugar
90 g Butter
120 ml Cream
Rhubarb ingredients
4 Bars Rhubarb
2 EL Sugar
Other ingredients
50 g Almonds, sliced
10 Strawberries
black pepper
100 ml Milk, cold
250 ml Cream, cold
2 EL Sugar


Mix the flour, milk, cream and amaretto into a smooth batter. Stir the eggs into the batter one at a time. Then heat a pan, add a little oil and fry the pancakes.

Prepare the chocolate mousse according to the instructions on the packet in just 3 minutes, pour into a piping bag and chill.

Wash and slice the strawberries.

Salted caramel

Place the sugar in a pan and melt slowly. As soon as the sugar has melted, add the butter in small pieces and stir in carefully. Slowly add the cream and mix well. Bring to the boil for about a minute and then remove the pan from the heat. Once the caramel has cooled, add the salt.

Roasted almonds

Slowly roast the almonds in a pan without fat until golden brown. Then pour into a bowl and leave to cool.


Pour 250 ml of water into a pan, add the sugar and bring to the boil on the stove. Meanwhile, wash and peel the rhubarb and cut into pieces. As soon as the sugar water boils, add the rhubarb and cook for 5 minutes until soft. Then place in a sieve, drain and leave to cool.


Place the cooled pancake on a plate and make a cut downwards from the center. Quarter the pancake mentally.

Place the salted caramel on the first quarter (bottom right). Spread the toasted almonds on top of the next quarter and the rhubarb next to it (top left). Place the strawberries on the last quarter underneath and sprinkle with a little pepper.

Now fold the individual pancake quarters on top of each other. First spread the salted caramel on the
Almonds. Then fold over the rhubarb and finally over the strawberries.

Before serving, pour the chocolate mousse into a piping bag and pipe onto the folded pancake.

Recipe properties DessertheavyVegetarian
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