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Excellent organic quality in our gourmet kitchen

Gold award for our Feinsinn gourmet cuisine


We have great news to announce! Our Feinsinn Genussküche was one of the first catering establishments in the region to be awarded the new state organic certificate for out-of-home catering in gold. Since it opened in 2016, employees and guests have been able to enjoy breakfast, lunch dishes, coffee and cake in 100% organic quality.

Marcus Hofer und Sabine Kriegl-Schreiner mit dem neuen Bio-Zertifikat in Gold für die Feinsinn Genussküche_Byodo Naturkost

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture adopted the new Organic Out-of-Home Catering Ordinance (Bio-AHVV) at the end of 2023. This is accompanied by three new organic seals in gold, silver and bronze, which show guests at a glance how high the organic content of the restaurant is. This makes it easier for consumers to choose organically produced food and dishes when eating in the canteen, in restaurants or on the go.

We are delighted that our Feinsinn was one of the first regional restaurants to be awarded the golden seal for a 90-100% organic content. The kitchen team at Feinsinn has been cooking fresh and 100% organic products every day since the very beginning. For eight years now, we have been contributing to the national Organic Strategy 2030, which includes the expansion of organic out-of-home catering as a key measure.


“Top quality, maximum enjoyment and 100% organic – we place the same demands on the dishes in our gourmet kitchen as we do on our Byodo products. Both our employees and numerous external guests appreciate this outstanding culinary offering every day,” says Byodo Managing Director Stephanie Moßbacher.

Feinsinn Operations Manager Marcus Hofer adds: “Our guests have always been able to rely on the organic quality of our dishes, we only work with organically produced ingredients out of conviction and are also regularly inspected by the organic inspection body. The new organic label now communicates this even more simply and clearly.”

We are incredibly proud of Feinsinn Genussküche and are delighted to be able to share this important milestone in our company history with you!

Find out here

more about our organic store and our in-house gourmet cuisine.


Source(s): https://www.bmel.de/DE/themen/landwirtschaft/oekologischer-landbau/bio-strategie-2030.html

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IFS initial certification completed very successfully

Byodo Naturkost receives IFS initial certification at “Higher Level”


We are incredibly proud of ourselves because we can now call ourselves “IFS-certified”! In November 2023, we were put through our paces for two days. The certificates are now also available: we have fulfilled 95 out of 100% of the requirements, which is an excellent result and has earned us the “Higher Level” award.

Quality is one of our core corporate values and part of our Byodo DNA. Now we have also received independent confirmation that we are living this value in our daily activities.

At the end of the audit, our IFS auditor Sissy Wokensky said of Byodo: “The value of quality runs through your entire company. When you do something, you do it right.” Could there be any better praise?

IFS Broker IFS Logistics


You can read more details about our initial IFS certification in our press release on the subject.

Company cars fill up with solar power from their own roof

Byodo builds new e-charging stations for company cars

At our company headquarters in Mühldorf, we are taking another step towards greater sustainability in order to further reduce our CO2 footprint. The entire company building is already climate-neutral. Until now, however, a major CO2 factor has been employees’ journeys in company cars. We have therefore decided to further expand Byodo’s e-charging infrastructure. In future, 16 new charging points will be available for the company cars.

Groundbreaking ceremony

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new e-charging stations was held on July 6, 2022. All the work should be completed by the fall and the stations will go into operation. 22 KW will be available at all wallboxes to charge fully electric vehicles from 0 to 100% in around 4 hours. At Byodo, we have also converted 80% of our company fleet from hybrid to electric cars. Only four hybrid vehicles will remain.

Photovoltaic systems on the company building

The electricity for the charging stations is generated directly on the company’s own roof. The photovoltaic systems on the office building and warehouse generate up to 500 kWp at peak times – this corresponds to an annual CO2 saving of around 300,000 kg. Byodo uses most of this electricity itself. For energy requirements above and beyond this, only green electricity is purchased. This means that we completely dispense with fossil fuels at the site.

The new wallboxes at the charging stations are also climate-neutral and produced in Austria. With the gardening and landscaping company Bitzer & Bernhard from Mettenheim and the master electricians Schindler & Denk from Ampfing, only companies from the immediate vicinity are involved in the construction project.

While the newly built e-charging stations will be available exclusively for Byodo company cars, we also offer public charging stations in the parking lot of our Feinsinn organic store. Charging is also completely free for customers of the organic store – you can activate this function at the charging station with your Feinsinn customer card.

Generation change at Byodo

Stephanie Moßbacher takes over sole management of the company


There were some exciting changes at Byodo at the start of 2022. The founder’s daughter Stephanie Moßbacher has been the sole managing director since January. Andrea Sonnberger has stepped down as an active shareholder.

The generational change has already been underway for several years: Stephanie Moßbacher joined her father Michael Moßbacher’s company 6 years ago, held various positions in marketing and product management alongside a management trainee and was most recently responsible for the management of both areas. In October 2018, she also became a shareholder of Byodo and has been Managing Director together with Andrea Sonnberger since September 2020.


Even if we at Byodo are facing different challenges today than we did a good 35 years ago, Stephanie Moßbacher wants to continue the success story in the spirit of her father and Andrea Sonnberger: “Together with the Byodo team, I want to inspire even more people to live a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle – and thus make a positive contribution to a more sustainable world.” You will therefore continue to be able to enjoy our delicious Byodo products in the usual 100% organic quality and the best taste experience.


Andrea Sonnberger, together with founder Michael Moßbacher, will continue to accompany Byodo. As an active shareholder, she is no longer involved in day-to-day business, but is still involved in strategic, groundbreaking decisions. “Working in partnership with customers, suppliers and employees is at the heart of the Byodo philosophy. As an active shareholder, I would like to continue shaping this common path at Byodo.”

As a “veteran” in our industry, Andrea Sonnberger played a decisive role in shaping the organic movement when she joined the Byodo management team in 1994. Today we say thank you for the 27 years she has put her heart and passion into Byodo and our organic products as Managing Director!
