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One-Pot Linsenpasta mit Byodo Volanti Rote Linsen

One-pot lentil pasta with mushrooms

Creamy, aromatic and uncomplicated: Our one-pot lentil pasta with mushrooms – the perfect vegan feel-good dish for every day!


15 min.


1 Ziwebel, small
500 g Mushrooms
150 g Spinach
800 ml Vegetable broth
1 EL Cashew butter
Cashew nuts, roasted

Peel and dice the onion. Clean and quarter the mushrooms. Clean the spinach, cut away any stalks and chop. Heat the frying olive in a pan and sauté the onion. Add the mushrooms and fry for 3 minutes. Add the lentil volanti and deglaze with the vegetable stock. Put the lid on. Cook for 5 minutes, mixing constantly. After 4 minutes, add the spinach and allow to collapse. Finally, mix in the cashew butter and thicken the sauce with it. Garnish with parsley and roasted cashew nuts, if desired. Thanks to the short cooking time of the red lentil volanti, this one-pot pasta is super quick and brings pulses to the plate without much effort!

Byodo Volanti Rote Linsen - proteinreiche Pasta von Byodo Naturkost
Our tip!

Do you already know our power pasta made from pulses? The three varieties – red lentil, green pea and yellow chickpea – not only impress with their unique taste, but also provide a diet rich in protein and fiber. High in protein, vegan & gluten-free – try now!

Recipe properties ItalianPastasimpleVeganvegan cooking

Prepared with the following Byodo products

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