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Spaghettini muffins

Thin vermicelli with a difference, as hearty muffins à la carbonara with fine cubes of bacon. Especially popular with little pasta lovers!


35 min.

4 Egg yolks
150 g Cream
1 Onion, red
120 g Parmesan cheese
120 g Bacon cubes
1 TL Italian herbs, dried
1 Pinch Pepper
Oregano, fresh
Baking spray oil

Preheat the oven to 180 °C fan oven. Cook the spaghettini in salted water for 5 minutes until very al dente. Grease a muffin tin with Byodo baking spray oil.

Whisk the egg yolks with the cream in a large bowl. Add finely diced onions and dried herbs. Season with salt and pepper.

Drain the spaghettini and leave to drain, then add the pasta to the egg mixture. Add the diced bacon and 100 g Parmesan cheese, mix everything together well. Roll up the spaghettini using a fork and spoon and place them evenly in nests in the muffin tins. Spread the remaining bacon cubes in the bowl and the remaining Parmesan.

Bake the spaghettini muffins in the oven for 15-20 minutes and then serve immediately. Garnish with fresh oregano.

Recipe properties ItalianmediumPasta

Prepared with the following Byodo products

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