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Welle Welle

Plum chutney

Delicious preserved plums with Byodo red wine vinegar and star anise. The ideal accompaniment to cheese or crispy corners.


60 min.


For 2 glasses, approx. 200 ml each
500 g Plums
1 Apple
1 Onion, red
1 Garlic clove
10 g Ginger, fresh
90 g Sugar, brown
1 Star anise
1 Carnation
1 Bay leaf
1 TL Chili flakes
1 TL Cinnamon
Pepper, black

Wash the plums and apple and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion, garlic and ginger and cut into small pieces.

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until translucent. Add the plums, apple, garlic, ginger and sugar. Heat while stirring and then deglaze with the red wine vinegar. Place the star anise, cloves and bay leaf in a small tea bag and add to the pot. Stir in the chili flakes, cinnamon and pepper.

Cook over a medium heat for 30-40 minutes. Stir occasionally. Finally, season to taste again and remove the tea bag with the spices. Pour the hot chutney into sterilized jars, seal tightly and leave to cool.

Our tip: The plum chutney goes perfectly with cheese and Byodo grissini or Byodo crispy wedges.

Recipe properties AutumnmediumPreserving & picklingVeganVegan bakingVegetarian

Prepared with the following Byodo products

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