BNN membership

Byodo has been a member of the member of the Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren e.V. (BNN) and has been actively involved in shaping the vision of an ecologically sustainable economy. Byodo joined the association just a few years after it was founded in 1985 and is still a proud member today.
As part of the BNN, Byodo is not only committed to ecological sustainability and fair, trusting cooperation. Another important task is the further development of quality standards for organic food. These play a particularly important role at Byodo because, as an organic pioneer, Byodo stands for the principles: 100% organic, the highest quality and the perfect taste experience.
In the summer of 2023, Byodo Managing Director Stephanie Moßbacher was appointed to the
Board of Trustees of the BNN e.V
. elected. The 9-member committee supports the work of the Board of Directors and consists of representatives from manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. The Board of Trustees discusses issues relating to the BNN e.V.’s subject areas, for example, or convenes specialist committees. At the same time, the young managing director also became a member of BNN.Next, where she represents the interests of the next generation of the organic sector in particular.
“I am delighted to have been elected to the Board of Trustees. This means I can actively support the BNN in representing the interests of the organic sector, particularly in politics. Because only if the political framework changes can we make organic even bigger and thus make the economy more sustainable and ecological,” says Stephanie Moßbacher.
The future holds many challenges for us and our environment. If time has shown one thing, it is that the path is easier if you walk it together. Byodo is looking forward to continuing on this path together with BNN e.V. in the coming years.
Our social and ecological commitment