Regional & sustainable:
Organic lunches for our children!
The foundations for healthy eating in children are laid in the first months and years of life. We can support this by providing a balanced organic lunch in the daycare center and kindergarten. The quality of our food determines the quality of our development.
It goes without saying that we at Byodo KiTa Catering are guided by the strictest specifications and highest quality standards.
Your advantages with Byodo KiTa-Catering:
- Organic quality: Only the best organic ingredients are used in the daily fresh preparation of the delicious and varied children’s meals.
- DGE certification: Strictly controlled, varied, healthy and child-friendly nutrition.
- Time saving: Byodo takes care of billing and deregistration directly with the parents.
- Cook & Chill or Cook & Hold process: The right concept for your requirements – delivered cold or hot.
- Sustainability & climate protection: Partnership-based cooperation with proven suppliers from the region.
Environmentally friendly delivery by electric car.
Byodo daycare center catering with DGE certification
Advantages of DGE-certified catering
With a wholesome range of meals, we make a valuable contribution to healthy and sustainable catering for our young guests.
- Healthy development for all: Healthy and sustainable food promotes the physical and mental development of children.
- A place for everyone: Eating and drinking together brings children from all parts of our society together and thus promotes social interaction and the emotional, social and cultural development of children.
- Central place for prevention: Children can experience a variety of flavors through healthy and sustainable food in an appealing eating atmosphere.
In addition, the daycare center accompanies children in the first years of life and can shape their eating habits and lay the foundations for dealing responsibly with health. - More sustainability: Health-promoting and more sustainable nursery catering offers a wide range of opportunities for more sustainability, from planning and purchasing to consumption, disposal and cleaning.
In this way, “health” and “sustainability” go hand in hand, and the children can experience this directly every day and learn in the long term.
More information: DGE quality standards | DGE
We spoil children's palates with these delicacies
Examples of our menus:
We plan our menus every 6 weeks.
You can view and download sample menus here:
Do you also want regional, healthy and child-friendly organic food in your KiTa?
Then enter your KiTa in the form:
News about our KiTa kitchen
We are delighted to be able to make a valuable contribution to healthy eating for children with our range of products for daycare centers and kindergartens!
To do this, we have remodeled our building and installed a completely new production kitchen.
Frequently asked questions...
We are delighted to be able to make a valuable contribution to healthy eating for children with our range of products for daycare centers and kindergartens!
Our new KiTa kitchen
From the 2024/25 school year, we will be providing up to 2,500 children with 100% organic meals every day in our newly built daycare center kitchen.
This means we are investing even more in the nutrition of our youngest children.
We have been supplying KiTas in the region with fresh, healthy lunches since 2017 – now we are expanding our range to provide even more children with the best organic quality.
Because we firmly believe that good nutrition starts from an early age.
Take a look around the new KiTa kitchen in the video and get to know Sabine, our head chef, and Marcus, our operations manager.
Frequently asked questions about daycare center catering...
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V. (German Nutrition Society) offers community catering facilities and caterers who supply these facilities the opportunity to have a wholesome catering offer certified by the DGE.
(Source: DGE-certified communal catering | DGE) For certification, all the requirements set out in the DGE quality standard for catering in schools and daycare centers are objectively tested.
This includes various criteria in the areas of food, menu planning and production, hygiene aspects, quality management and living environment.
If all criteria are met for at least one menu line, the catering offer is awarded a DGE certificate.
With a wholesome range of meals, we make a valuable contribution to healthy and sustainable catering for our young guests.
- Healthy development for all: Healthy and sustainable food promotes the physical and mental development of children.
- A place for everyone: Eating and drinking together brings children from all parts of our society together and thus promotes social interaction and the emotional, social and cultural development of children.
- Central place for prevention: Children can experience a variety of flavors through healthy and sustainable food in an appealing eating atmosphere.
In addition, the daycare center accompanies children in the first years of life and can shape their eating habits and lay the foundations for dealing responsibly with health. - More sustainability: Health-promoting and more sustainable nursery catering offers a wide range of opportunities for more sustainability, from planning and purchasing to consumption, disposal and cleaning.
In this way, “health” and “sustainability” go hand in hand, and the children can experience this directly every day and learn in the long term.
More information: DGE quality standards | DGE
Based on current scientific data, the DGE quality standard describes the criteria for optimal, healthy and sustainable catering.
Each daycare center can implement this quality standard at its own pace, step by step.
Cooking becomes more exciting for the kitchen staff, the chefs can try out new things and cook more themselves again.
The concrete advantages are:
- Few to no convenience products
- Creative, healthy and nutritious cooking
- Plannable and economical workflows
- Seasonal and child-friendly menus taking into account all DGE standards
For parents, certification from an external body offers additional security.
This means that our menu is not only created by us to the best of our knowledge and belief, but has also been tested by an official body.
So we can all be sure that our meals are perfect for our guests.
Our dishes are freshly and carefully prepared every day and are low in salt and mildly seasoned.
We attach great importance to adapting them to children’s palates.
We are convinced that simple and natural ingredients are the best for a varied and tasty diet for children.
Meals primarily provide the body with nutrients and keep it efficient.
A regular supply of balanced and wholesome meals contributes to this.
In this way, healthy eating habits can be established in the long term.
Shared mealtimes promote children’s independence and the development of everyday skills.
Participation and an appreciative organization of mealtimes support the children in their development.
At the same time, daycare catering offers relief for parents, particularly with regard to the organizational effort involved in providing lunch or all-day meals.
Cook & chill is a concept for communal catering.
Food preparation and serving are separated in terms of space and time, resulting in a number of advantages.
- One advantage of Cook & Chill is the guarantee of hygienic safety, as the multiplication of pathogenic germs and the resulting formation of pathogenic toxins are prevented by quickly passing through the hygienically questionable temperature range between +70°C and +3°C, and the regeneration guarantees a consumption temperature of at least +65°C.
- Furthermore, tasks such as preparing food and portioning can be taken over by educators, as no kitchen-specific knowledge is required here.
- We also add preparation recommendations to the menus, which greatly simplify the operation of ovens and the warming process.
- The food is not kept warm for a long time, but is cooked in the facility at the desired time.
This preserves nutrients and keeps the food tasty and firm to the bite. - Even with different meal times from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., every child receives a fresh meal.
There is always a menu consisting of a starter or dessert and a main course.
This includes:
- Meat once a week (no pork)
- Fish once a week (fatty fish every 2 weeks)
- 3x vegetarian or vegan varied dishes
Our menu includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, pulses, dairy products, cereal products, potatoes, oils and fats.
We implement the guidelines of the FIT KID concept of the DGE (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V.) in our menu planning.
The menu is planned in a 6-week rhythm.
It consists of alternating main courses, such as a meat dish, a Byodo pasta dish, a fish dish, a vegetarian dish and a dessert (every 2 weeks).
Soups, side dishes, vegetables, salads, raw vegetables, fresh fruit, quark, yogurts and smoothies complement the children’s meals.
In this way, we create a child-friendly and varied seasonal offer.
We also always try to implement feedback from the facilities in our menus in the best possible way.
We have been working successfully with seasonal and regional foods for years.
Many supplier relationships have existed for several years.
We are a loyal and reliable partner and use these foods not only for the KiTa catering but also in our gourmet kitchen in Mühldorf – which is also the canteen for all Byodo employees.
We speak of all food and products in 100% organic quality.
Even our suppliers are 100% organic suppliers with the shortest possible delivery routes.
The organic farmer from Pürten who supplies potatoes, the Alztaler Hofmolkerei dairy that supplies us with dairy products or the Tagwerk wholesaler with fresh fruit and vegetables and many more – we only choose suppliers with a transparent and short supply chain.
Of course, tastes are different.
We plan our menu to be as child-friendly and varied as possible.
You can regularly give us your feedback on our feedback form.
We try to incorporate this into our further planning as far as possible.
Of course, we also cater for intolerances, and meals are then replaced with other products or other dishes that are tolerated.
In the case of lactose intolerance, we naturally use lactose-free dairy products.
Orders can be placed and canceled digitally on our ordering platform until 4 p.m. the day before.
The orders are sent to us cumulatively for each facility, so we know how many children, including those with an intolerance, we can cook for.
Orders are either placed directly with us by the facilities or sent to us via our ordering app.
The meals are freshly cooked, portioned for the respective facilities and chilled in the blast freezer before being delivered to the facilities in cooled thermoboxes by our KiTa drivers.
A temperature check is carried out on site with the facility, which is then recorded on delivery.
However, we can also offer hot delivery for facilities that do not have the facilities to heat the food.
The heating time in the oven depends on the individual dish.
The serving staff remove the gastro containers and heat them up to the specified temperatures in the user-friendly oven.
The food can then be portioned immediately and served to the children.
The size of the groups and facilities determines the serving time.
A so-called regeneration oven is required to heat the food properly.
Investment costs of €3,000 must be expected for this oven.
Otherwise, no additional investment is required for the facility.
Byodo provides the following service:
- Sick note: The parent can cancel the meal via the app up to 16:00 the day before.
- Billing: Depending on the agreement, billing takes place either via the facility or directly with the parents via a payment system on our platform
- Support / work facilitation: The app is presented in the facilities and is very user-friendly, making it quick & easy to use.
- Parents’ evenings: To give an introduction and detailed information about our KiTa catering, we are happy to come to KiTas, schools etc. and offer parents’ evenings.
A variety of institutions can receive our KiTa food, such as day nurseries, kindergartens, elementary school, secondary schools and many more.
Yes, we deliver the KiTa food to facilities within a radius of around 30 kilometers.
Please contact us to find out whether your KiTa is in the delivery area.
The size of the daycare center to be supplied depends on the number of meals and the travel distance.
A delivery is possible for us from a size of approx. 40 meals.
You are also welcome to submit a request to us together with partner facilities, neighboring facilities and similar facilities nearby (e.g. kindergarten and elementary school), etc., if you then meet the minimum requirement of 40 children.
A joint delivery also has the advantage that you can benefit from price incentives.
The new organic food regulation came into force at the beginning of October.
The regulation presented by Federal Minister Cem Özdemir regulates the inspection and labeling of organic food in out-of-home catering.
It is intended to make the organic ingredients used more visible to diners, simplify organic certification and strengthen consumer protection.
The new regulation requires that a list of ingredients must indicate what kitchens use in organic quality.
The new regulations allow suppliers to label the organic ingredients used.
Gold stands for the highest possible proportion of organic ingredients.
It is our conviction that we only use 100% organic ingredients in our gourmet cuisine and KiTa catering.
- Healthy and balanced nutrition for children with high-quality organic food
- Early nutrition education and awareness of the value of food
- High proportion of seasonal and regional products
- Less pesticide and additive residues
- Support for organic farming
Organic food is healthier: fruit and vegetables are low in harmful substances and very rich in nutrients.
They are processed gently and without additives such as artificial flavors and flavor enhancers.
What’s more, our organic food simply tastes delicious.
With our organic nursery catering, we make a huge contribution to sustainability and climate protection.
Especially as we combine organic with seasonal and regional.
Organic products cause less CO2.
- Because organic farmers are not allowed to use artificial fertilizers, which require a lot of natural gas and crude oil in their production.
- Because organic animals eat a lot of grass on pasture instead of imported soy.
In this way, our farmers protect the rainforests, because a lot of forest is often cut down to grow soy. - Because organic soils are rich in humus and humus can store CO2 very well (the bottom line is that more CO2 remains in the soil than is released back into the air).
With organic food, your daycare center can create a unique selling point.
With the products and the selected food alone, you have the highest quality standard that you can offer in the area of communal catering.
We are delighted to be able to make a valuable contribution to healthy eating for children with our range of products for daycare centers and kindergartens!
Management Feinsinn Bioladen und Genussküche E-mail: Phone: +49 (0)8631/3629-84