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Welle Welle

Mediterranean pasta salad

Wonderfully spicy with peppers and pesto calabrese, this delicious pasta salad with rigatoni tastes wonderfully like Italian cuisine.


20 min.


170 g Dried tomatoes in oil
170 g Grilled peppers in oil
250 g Cocktail tomatoes
50 g Rocket
50 g Pine nuts
50 g Pepperoni, in oil
2 EL Tomato and paprika pulp

Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions. Finely chop the dried tomatoes, peppers and chillies. Halve the cocktail tomatoes and wash the rocket.

Drain the al dente pasta and leave to cool. Meanwhile, toast the pine nuts in a pan without oil. Mix the pesto and tomato purée with the pasta in a large bowl. Add the dried tomatoes, peppers, chili peppers and fresh tomatoes. Pour over the olive oil and vinegar and mix well.

To serve, fold in the rocket and pine nuts. Season the pasta salad again with salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe properties ItalianLactose freemediumPastaPicnicVeganvegan cookingVegetarian
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