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Protein power for a plant-based diet

Why proteins are so important

Proteins are essential for our body – they support muscle building, promote cell repair and provide important energy. However, it can be challenging to meet our daily protein requirements, especially when eating a purely plant-based diet. But why are proteins so essential and how can you ensure that your diet contains enough of them even without animal products? With the right combinations and selected foods, you can easily balance this out. We’ll show you which plant-based sources are particularly rich in protein and how you can make your everyday life protein-rich and enjoyable with the right choice of plant-based products.

Proteinpower Byodo Naturkost

How much protein does the body need?

Orientation: We need approx. 0.8 – 1.2 g* of protein per kg of body weight (56 – 84 g of protein are needed for a body weight of 70 kg). Athletes or active people often need more protein. Practical tips:

  • Combine each meal with a protein source
  • Combine different plant-based foods (e.g. rice and beans or hummus and bread)
  • Ensure variety to obtain all essential amino acids
* Source: DGE – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V. | DGE
Tierische vs. pflanzliche Proteine

Animal vs. vegetable proteins

Vegetable proteins

  • healthy,
  • high in fiber and
  • sustainable,

however, require a deliberate combination of different sources in order to obtain a complete amino acid profile. Clever combinations such as beans and rice provide complete proteins. Animal proteinsfound in meat, eggs, fish or dairy products provide all the essential amino acids in one go, but are often less sustainable due to higher resource consumption and the associated greater environmental impact, and can contain more saturated fatty acids.

Vegetable protein sources

There are numerous plant-based foods that are rich in protein and can be perfectly integrated into a balanced diet.

  • Pulses such as lentils, chickpeas, beans or peas
  • Soy products such as tofu, tempeh or soy milk
  • Cereals & pseudocereals such as quinoa, oats, millet or whole grain products
  • Nuts & seeds such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds or pumpkin seeds
  • Algae & Spirulina
  • Vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach or other green vegetables


The most protein-rich sources at a glance:

Proteinpower mit Sojaprodukte wie Tofu - Byodo Naturkost Welle
Soy products Protein content: approx. 36g* per 100g (soybeans), 12-20g* (tofu), 20g* (tempeh)

Advantages: Complete amino acid profile, versatile in use Icon
Proteinpower mit Linsen- Byodo Naturkost Welle
Lenses Protein content: approx. 25g* per 100g

Benefits: Rich in fiber and iron, ideal for stews, salads and curries
Proteinpower mit Kichererbsen - Byodo Naturkost Welle
Chickpeas Protein content: approx. 20g* per 100g (dried)

Benefits: Versatile, e.g. as hummus, in curries or as a snack
Proteinpower mit Chiasamen- Byodo Naturkost Welle
Chia seeds Protein content: approx. 17g* per 100g

Benefits: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, perfect for breakfast or snacks
Proteinpower mit Quinoa- Byodo Naturkost Welle
Quinoa Protein content: approx. 13g* per 100g

Benefits: Contains all essential amino acids, gluten-free and easily digestible

The Byodo protein heroes

Discover protein-rich organic quality for every day with our Byodo products!

Byodo Volanti rote Linsen von Byodo Naturkost
High protein pasta
Our power pasta is high in protein, gluten-free and vegan. The three varieties - red lentil, green pea and yellow chickpea - are perfect hot or cold in colorful bowls, salads or classic pasta dishes.
Discover now
Byodo Kichererbsenwaffeln Zartbitter Byodo Naturkost
Chickpea waffles
Nutty chickpeas and fine dark chocolate guarantee moments of indulgence! Our chickpea waffles are gently puffed into a wonderfully airy shape, which makes them particularly crispy.
Try it now
Protein Knusperbrot Byodo Naturkost
Protein crispbread
Our protein crispbread is extra fluffy and particularly crispy! It combines the flour of mild chickpeas, slightly sweet peas and nutty lentils, ensuring a high content of valuable plant-based proteins.
Get to know us now

Delicious recipes for your everyday life

Are you looking for delicious, purely plant-based recipes that not only taste good but also meet your protein requirements? Discover our creative recipes suitable for everyday use for more energy and a special treat!

One-Pot Linsenpasta mit Byodo Volanti Rote Linsen
One-pot lentil pasta with mushrooms
Creamy, aromatic and uncomplicated: Our one-pot lentil pasta with mushrooms – the perfect vegan feel-good dish for every day!
To the recipe ...

15 min.


Süßkartoffelaufstrich mit Byodo Protein Knusperbrot
Sweet potato and tomato spread
Sun-ripened tomatoes and versatile sweet potatoes combine to create a creamy spread, perfectly complemented by our crispy protein bread. A tasty snack for in between meals!
To the recipe ...

35 min.


Buddha Bowl
Oriental bowl with fresh vegetables, deliciously creamy hummus and crunchy chickpeas as a topping.
To the recipe ...

50 min.


Hummus pasta with vegetables
Original Italian pasta made from protein-rich green peas meets deliciously creamy hummus and fresh vegetable and tomato sauce.
To the recipe ...

20 min.



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