Packaging-free shopping at the fresh food counter
Feinsinn now also uses reusable containers for cheese, sausage and delicatessen products
Mühldorf – 03.05.2023: The organic supermarket Feinsinn in Mühldorf now also offers the option of packaging-free shopping at its fresh food counter. Instead of sausage and cheese paper or plastic trays for delicatessen products, customers can now also choose reusable boxes from the Rebowl brand. These have been used successfully at the Feinsinn Genussküche for two years now and have been well received by guests.
Anyone who likes to shop without packaging has reason to be happy: at Feinsinn – Bioladen & Genussküche in Mühldorf, organic products can now also be bought at the fresh food counter without disposable packaging but in a so-called “rebowl”. These are reusable boxes for which a deposit of 5 euros is payable, which is refunded on return to Feinsinn or all other participating stores. The tins, which are available in various sizes, are then hygienically cleaned and can be reused up to 500 times. The test phase at the fresh food counter has shown that the concept also works for sausage, cheese and delicatessen.
Rebowls are probably not completely new to most Feinsinn customers, as they have been used in the gourmet kitchen for to-go dishes since 2021. Although the Feinsinn’s green center invites you to linger and enjoy a leisurely lunch, the gourmet kitchen also offers its daily changing organic dishes to take away. The alternative disposable packaging is made of compostable material and organic plastic lids. They cost a small surcharge at the Genussküche to provide a financial incentive for more packaging avoidance.
“The introduction of rebowls in the gourmet kitchen was a success right from the start,” says Operations Manager Marcus Hofer. “For many guests, taking away and exchanging the reusable packaging has already become a matter of course. We are delighted that the Rebowls are now also being increasingly accepted at the fresh food counter.”

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