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100% recycling, 100% taste

Byodo switches to 100% recycled material for aluminum tubes


Mühldorf – 09.02.2022: Since 2022, Byodo has only been using tubes made from 100% recycled aluminum for mustards, mayonnaise and tomato paste. Not only does this save a lot of CO2 during production, aluminum can also be recycled an infinite number of times – if it is disposed of correctly.

Since the new year, the Mühldorf-based family business has only been packaging its tube products in 100% recycled aluminum. Byodo Naturkost GmbH is one of the first in the industry to take this step. A special alloy ensures that the material properties of the aluminum tubes are in no way inferior to those of primary raw materials. Best product protection for optimum taste has always been Byodo’s top priority.


The material for the organic pioneer’s new mustard, mayo and tomato paste tubes comes from the environmentally friendly recycling of production aluminum. While it was previously mainly used for cosmetic products, food can now also be filled into the tubes thanks to a specially developed alloy. Optimally protected from light and air, the taste and color of the organic products are optimally preserved.


The new recycled aluminum tubes have several advantages: Firstly, the tube made from recycled material causes significantly lower CO2 emissions during production compared to packaging made from primary aluminum. Secondly, aluminum is a raw material that is only available in limited quantities on earth. But it can be recycled an infinite number of times. With tubes made from 100% recycled aluminum, Byodo closes the cycle for this valuable raw material.


Correct disposal is important for the eternal recycling cycle of aluminum. The tube should be emptied and placed in the yellow bag or the yellow garbage can. Very important: Unscrew the lid and dispose of it separately! Only in this way can the materials be sorted correctly, enter the correct recycling cycle and protect the earth’s limited resources.


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