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Byodo promotes commitment to sustainable nutrition

Financial support for projects in the region


Mühldorf – 24.05.2023: Byodo Naturkost would like to support sustainable food projects in the region. To this end, the organic company is launching the BIObegeistert promotion under the motto: Together for a sustainable future. The first deadline for applications is June 30.


Whether kindergartens, schools, vocational schools or associations – anyone who wants to set up a project that combines the topics of nutrition and sustainability and actively involves young people can apply for financial support from Byodo Naturkost’s BIObegeistert program. The range of possible actions is wide.


“We see ourselves as pioneers of organic enjoyment – and now we want to inspire even more people and take them with us on our common path to a sustainable future,” says Sabine Gillhuber, who is responsible for the new Byodo promotion. When it comes to organic food and sustainability go hand in hand, and this is also how the company presents the projects it supports. “Setting an example is important, but being active yourself is even better. We want the campaigns to impart knowledge or values – also in a playful way, depending on the age group – and at the same time make young people want to lead a sustainable lifestyle.”


Applications are possible as of now. A convincing project description and an estimate of the required budget must be submitted. On this basis, the jury at Byodo Naturkost selects the best projects and determines the individual funding amounts. All applications received by June 30 will receive feedback by July 19. For all those who have a brilliant idea later, there is a second round of applications until November 30. All information, deadlines and application documents can be found at www.byodo.de/biobegeistert.


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E-Mail: info@byodo.de
Phone: +49 (0) 8631 / 3629-0
