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in an interview without words. As deputy organic store manager, Michael particularly enjoys looking after the fresh fruit and vegetables in Feinsinn, our in-house organic store.

Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost
Interview ohne Wort mit Michael - Byodo Naturkost

Deputy Organic Store Manager

As deputy store manager, Michael ensures that the organic store runs smoothly. His focus is on the fresh produce department, where he ensures the quality and availability of fruit and vegetables. He also coordinates the team and assists with ordering goods. He also monitors stock levels, ensures that the products are presented attractively and provides optimum customer service.
