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Allergy &
Nutritional information

On this page you will find all relevant information about allergens, herbs and spices contained in Byodo products.
Possible cross-contamination during production is marked with the words “Traces possible”. We cannot completely rule out these risks due to transportation, upstream suppliers, dust, etc.

Due to increased requests from our customers, we would also like to point out that all our products are subject to the EU Organic Regulation. This also applies to the processing of insects. These may not be used as organic food or organic feed, as the corresponding production guidelines have not yet been laid down in the EU Organic Regulation. We can therefore guarantee that no insects are used in our products.

We take great care in maintaining the specific information about Byodo products on our website. Nevertheless, we cannot exclude the possibility of isolated errors, which is why we ask you to always compare the product information with the label of the respective product. If you notice any discrepancies, we thank you for your information to

Ei u. -erzeugnisse Ei u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich) Erdnüsse u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich)

Fructose (von Natur aus enthalten)

Gerste Glutenhaltiges Getreide und -erzeugnisse Glutenhaltiges Getreide und -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich)

Haselnüsse (Spuren möglich)

Laktose Laktose (Spuren möglich) Lupine und -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich)

Mais Milch u. -erzeugnisse Milch u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich)


Saccharose Schalenfrüchte u.-erzeugnisse z.B. Mandel, Haselnuss, Walnuss Schalenfrüchte u.-erzeugnisse z.B. Mandel, Haselnuss, Walnuss (Spuren möglich) Schwefeldioxid und Sulfite (< 10 mg/kg) (Spuren möglich) Sellerie u. -erzeugnisse Sellerie u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich) Senf u. -erzeugnisse Senf u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich) Sesamsamen u. -erzeugnisse Sesamsamen u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich) Soja u. -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich)

Weichtiere und -erzeugnisse (Spuren möglich) Weizen