Keeping the delicious treasure safe

Byodo premium oils are now available in cans!

22.09.2017Product news

Ever since the first organic frying oil was invented in 1996 – we were pioneers and the first ones on the market – oil has always been a matter very close to our hearts. And as we all know, we want to keep the things that are precious to us safe and protect them against the bad in the world above all else. In our case, the arch-enemies of our delicious premium oils are light, exposure to direct sunlight and other environmental factors. For this reason, the majority of our delicious premium oils will soon also be available in modern, slender 250 ml cans. By moving away from bottles, we hope to protect the valuable ingredients and preserve the exquisite taste of the oils by protecting them optimally. After all, top quality oil deserves optimal protection!

The reputation of cans has also become positive again in recent years. It’s also great news for the environment, as tin has the highest recycling quota of all materials in the recovered substance cycle and can be reused any number of times. The new can covers in a range of colours mean you are sure to pick the right oil every time in your kitchen and our new design is definitely a treat for the eyes – don’t you think?